When: Six to seven months before the wedding.
Why: Based on Scripture and St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body,” this seminar will teach you not only what the Church teaches about marriage and sexuality, but why She teaches it. We hope you will gain a beautiful vision of the meaning of marriage and the remarkable gift of sex between husband and wife.
What: The God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Seminar is a full-Saturday class presented by a team of ordinary couples like you along with a priest. The day is designed to enrich your understanding of a Catholic marriage and give you opportunities for fruitful discussions as a couple.
Where: Offered several times a month at various locations throughout the diocese.
“Growing up Catholic I also knew the ‘whats’ of what the Church teaches on sex and marriage, but the ‘why’s’ we learned today were so helpful! My faith feels renewed, and hope too!”
“Over the past three years I have been growing from a neglected relationship with God. Today has been the single greatest day in bringing me closer to God that I have experienced since my first communion.”
“I am excited about being a great husband and giving myself to my fiancé—much more so than I ever thought I would be.”