Different methods of NFP highlight different biomarkers of fertility. We are pleased to offer most of the major national NFP methods at the Diocese of Phoenix. You’ll be able to read about each type and choose a full course of the method that seems just right for you! For marriage prep its important to know that an engaged couple takes their NFP classes together after attending God’s Plan for Joy-filled Marriage. They are required to attend all classes and provide charts to their NFP Instructor for knowledge.
Sympto-Thermal Method (ST)
For the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP, observations are made daily of the biomarkers of: cervical mucus, vaginal sensation, basal body temperature, and optional cervical changes, and recorded with symbols on a chart. Clients are taught to cross-check and interpret these signs to determine fertile and infertile phases in a cycle, and the rules for postponing or achieving pregnancy.
The Diocese of Phoenix offers three options for instruction in the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP. Each of these options involves guidance from a trained NFP instructor who will offer feedback as you learn and help you interpret your charts as you apply the rules to use Natural Family Planning. The first two options are group instruction with either parent company, Northwest Family Services’ SymptoPro, or with our affiliates, Couple to Couple League International, whose certified instructors will share the class material via small group PowerPoint presentations, client-centered learning activities, and individual consultation for at least four sessions. After the formal classes are completed, follow-up meetings are scheduled to help provide client autonomy. Additional consultations are available as needed.
Another option is the online course completed entirely on the Internet as a self paced course. The only online course that is approved by the Diocese of Phoenix for marriage prep requirements is the Northwest Family Services’ SymptoPro course which is monitored in Phoenix by Diocese of Phoenix NFP teachers.
- NWFS group instruction costs $130 per couple. Find NWFS S-T classes now.
- CCL group instruction costs $140.00 Find affiliated CCL classes now.
- NWFS SymptoPro on-line classes cost $145-$170 per couple, depending on the type of Client Manual selected per couple. Sign up for On-line Classes now.
All modes will connect you to a certified instructor that is assigned to you.Communication with your instructor is critical to the complete understanding and correct application of NFP in your life. It is your responsibility to stay in touch with your instructor.
NWFS SymptoPro Online Services: Individuals requesting a refund who have not logged into an online course within 30 days of enrollment in the course or started an in-person class receive a complete refund less a $10 service fee and a $10 restocking fee. Packets must be returned unused within 30 days as well. Contact Northwest Family Services to request this partial refund. After 30 days, please contact Office of NFP at the Diocese of Phoenix to request a partial refund.
Privacy Policy: Northwest Family Services in conjunction with the Diocese of Phoenix is committed to protecting the privacy of its users and customers, making your internet experience with us safe. The names and email addresses you give us are NOT sold for any type of solicitation.
NWFS websites operate secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protected systems. Any sensitive information, such as a customer’s credit card number collected for a commerce transaction, is encrypted prior to transmission.
Creighton Model (CrMs)
Observations are made daily of the biomarkers of cervical mucus that are essential to a woman’s health and fertility. These ‘biomarkers” tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to postpone pregnancy. These biomarkers also telegraph abnormalities in a woman’s health. Group instruction is offered for the first class only. Individual, one hour long follow-ups are then scheduled for five more sessions. There is a $30 charge for additional follow up sessions, which includes a new chart and stamps, after full course is completed.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) is built on research, education and service: an integrated educational system with gynecologic and procreative healthcare with medical consultants who are trained in NaproTechnology, a system especially helpful for couples suffering from infertility.
Our affiliate, Morning Star Ob/Gyn also teaches Creighton Model NFP.
Family of the Americas Foundation Ovulation Method (FAF)
Observations are made daily of the biomarkers of cervical mucus and vaginal sensations. Following the Rules of this method and daily charting, the couple will recognize the beginning and the end of the fertile phase and necessary rules for avoiding or achieving pregnancy. It is not necessary to take waking temperature with this method of NFP. Group instruction is offered for the first class. Individual follow-ups are then scheduled for at least three more sessions or until clients are autonomous in their use of the method.
Our affiliate, Morning Star Ob/Gyn also offers FAF classes.
Billings Ovulation Method Association (BOMA)
Observations are made daily of the biomarkers of cervical mucus and vaginal sensations and are recorded daily by using a Billings Method chart and either stamps or symbols.
There are 4 rules to this method, and no temperature taking. Group instruction is offered for the first two classes. Individual follow-ups are then scheduled for at least two more sessions or until the clients are autonomous in their use of the method.